In loving memory of

Barbara A. Westgor
October 11, 2013

Barbara W. Westgor was born January 18, 1950 in Windom, MN to Marta Leal Westgor and Wayne W. Westgor. Barbara attended Windom Elementary Schools and Windom High School, graduating in 1968. Barbara also attended Stephens College in Columbia, MO.

Barbara was Baptized and Confirmed into the Christian faith. Barbara was a believer and was always living her faith and working to be a better Christian and person. Barbara worked for many years as the Office Manager and as a Realtor for Westgor and Associates in Windom, MN. Barbara was a member of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd of Windom. In July of 1986, Barbara was married to Jim Thompson. Jim passed away in September of 1993.

Barbara was full of love, joy, kindness, gentleness and generosity and shared those gifts. Barbara loved animals and birds of all kinds. She was always feeding them, adopting them, supporting them and caring for them. Also an amazing chef and hostess, Barbara knew any situation could be made better by food, good food, and more food. She enjoyed boating, fishing, kayaking, walking, gardening, flowers, reading, entertaining, cooking, fine wine and fine dining, especially with friends.

Barbara was preceded in death by her Mother and Father, Wayne and Marta Leal Westgor, her paternal Grandparents, her maternal Grandparents and many Aunts and Uncles.

Barbara is survived by Tony Ling, his son Adam and children; siblings, Jeff Westgor and wife Patrice and son, Bette Schiller and husband Bo and children, Jerry Westgor and wife Jo and son. Barbara is also survived by her friend/son Eric Hartman and family. Barbara is also survived by a large extended family and many good friends.

Barbara passed on to the next journey on the morning of October 11, 2013. She was at home, at peace and among family and friends. Be Kind, Be Gentle, Be Happy! It is a brief trip - Enjoy! Blessed be the memory of Barbara Westgor.

All memorials will be shared among Barbara's favorite charities.


Craig Prigge wrote on Nov 3, 2013:

"I met Barbara on the playground at the Wilder school. As part of what would be termed the Baby Boom Generation, our fifth grade class was too large to fit in the Windom school buildings and we took a bus to Wilder each day. For the first time, we met kids who had been going to one of the two elementary schools located on opposite sides of Windom. During one lunch break in September, I saw Barbara on the swing set on the playground and decided I had to meet this pretty young girl. I went to her, told her my name and offered to push her as she was swinging. She told me her name, accepted my offer and I began to push the swing. As the pushes became more emphatic, she swung higher and higher; she began laughing and smiled at me as she swung low to the ground. I am sure I smiled, but all I could think about was that laugh and that smile from this pretty, 10 year-old girl. We got to know each other much better through high school with long walks, long talks. And that friendship continued for many years to come with dinners and outings in Windom, Minneapolis and St. Paul. The time between meetings didn't really matter; we always picked up the threads so easily. We had dinner and a long walk one evening in St. Paul, some thirty-five years after we first met. We came upon a playground somewhere off of Grand Avenue, and Barbara took a seat on the swing set; she turned to me and smiled; she did have to ask; I began to push her. I hold one vision and memory of Barbara above all others: She is swinging in a schoolyard; she is laughing. Her head is thrown back and her dark hair flows behind her. At the top of the swinging arc, she is forever young; eternally weightless. She is a spirit set free. With love and deepest sympathies to Barbara's family and friends. Craig Prigge " wrote on Nov 2, 2013:

"We were so saddened to hear of Barbara's passing. Our condolences go out to all of you"

Jane Welton-Polz wrote on Nov 2, 2013:

"Heaven received a wonderful woman. Barb was a gentle, compassionate spirit driven person. She will be missed so much. So glad to have known her."

Dan & Linda Ortmann wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"We were so saddened and shocked to hear of Barb's passing!! She was such a beautiful(inside&out) lady, and always so kind and friendly! She will definitely be missed! Our prayers are for peace and comfort for all of her family and friends! And may God bless the memory of Barb! Love and Prayers, Dan & Linda Ortmann"

Claudia Buhler Birkenmeyer wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"Barb and were best friends when we were kids. Barb was funny silly serious and generious with her love and time. Even if she hadn't seen you for years she would greet you with a hug and enjoyed finding out about your family. She loved her family her friends and her animals. My deepe sympathy to toy Tony Jeff Betty and Jerry. I truly regret that be there on Saturday for her service God be with you."

Eva Krueger wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"I was heartbroken to hear of Barbara's passing. She was genuinely kind and gentle. I had many wonderful hours at the "farm." Blessed be the memory of Barbara Westgor. She will be missed."

Anonymous wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"My sincerest condolences Tony, Jeff, Bette, Jerry and families in the loss of Barbara. I am so saddened at her passing, she was a beautiful and gentle woman. Her compassion and caring were so genuine and true. I remember as a young teenager being asked to Barb's house for a sleepover with Claudia B. Barb's mom, Marta was such a lovely woman and a great hostess (as was Barb). I remember it was there that I had Fritos for the first time - ah memories large and small! Barbara went out of her way to listen, care and support everyone and to treat people fairly and equally. Although, we did occasionally get into the most interesting discussions and be at a loss for the ignorance and bigotry in the world. I can't imagine not seeing you around a corner someplace in Windom with your beautiful face beaming; a most lovely smile on your face. We may have lost your physical presence here, but I will always feel you in the universe and live with a piece of you in my heart. You definately left this universe a more beautiful place, my friend. Peace to you all"

Deb Holmes wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"We often visited Windom as I grew up, since my Grandma and Grandpa Olson lived there (I'm Darlene's daughter), and sometimes I would get to see Barbara. I remember being with Barb's grandma Mildred (and Clarence, earlier) and Barb coming over -- she was like springtime every time she entered a room. I was privileged to have a few good conversations with her over the years. I will never forget Barb and her spirit; she was especially helpful to my Aunt Midge these last few years. I send healing to all her family members and friends. Deb"

Darlene (Olson) Holmes, & Dave Holmes wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"One of my favorite memories of Barbara was at our wedding (Darlene Olson and David Holmes), May 31, 1958 -- such a pretty, sweet young lady. We have posted a picture of her at that wedding in the photos section of this online obituary. Barbara is the daughter of my cousin Wayne (Marta). When I was a teenager, I babysat the Westgor children -- then it was fun seeing Barb grow up so beautifully through the years. She worked at Westgor Realty and was so kind and helpful to people -- a real gem. I will miss her greatly. Darlene"

Rock and Linda Patten wrote on Nov 1, 2013:

"We had the pleasure of meeting Barb almost twenty years ago and over the years came to realize what a kind and caring person she was. Both of us remember lengthy conversations, some of which included Barb talking about her pet chickens, who lived to be very old. They were well taken care of. And we will always remember meeting Barb at what we remembered a "cowboy bar" in Livingston, MT. We knew things had changed when the maƮtre d' met us at the door. We had a good laugh and a great time. We have always felt that Barb was the nicest, kindest and most gracious person we know. Our hearts to out to Jeff and his family, the extended Westgor family and to Tony. They all have suffered a tremendous loss. Love to you always Barb, Rock and Linda Patten"

Al Frank wrote on Oct 29, 2013:

"I have not seen Barb for many years but have always remembered her as we went to school together. May God comfort her family and friends at this time of their loss."

Phyllis Goyette wrote on Oct 29, 2013:

"Jeff and Family, I was so sorry to hear of Barbara's passing. I knew Barbara thru Wayne and Marta and know she will be missed by all. It is so sad to lose such a young member of the family. I am thinking of you all and will remember you in my prayers. "

Alicia Loosbrock wrote on Oct 29, 2013:

"Tony & Family- I am so very sorry for your loss. Barbara was a wonderful woman and I truly enjoyed the few times that I was able to spend getting to know her. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. With deepest sympathy, "

Bob and Joyce Oltmans wrote on Oct 29, 2013:

"Tony and family. We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Your wonderful memories will be with you always. Bob and Joyce (Spessard) Oltmans"

Sharon and Leo Doherty wrote on Oct 28, 2013:

"Tony we was surprised to hear about losing Barb. We missed running into her and talking. She will be missed. She was a great person and friend. Take Care. "

Tammy Boerst wrote on Oct 28, 2013:

"Tony & Barbara's family, A classy lady, who left us much to young. She will be missed by many. My sympathy to all."

Jackie (Haberman) Jurgens wrote on Oct 27, 2013:

"To Tony Ling and BArbara's family, I am sorry for your loss."

Nancy Buhler wrote on Oct 27, 2013:

"She always had a peaceful spirit. I will remember our times deer hunting in Okabena, our children tasting her edible flowers from her garden around her home in Okabena, the climb to the deck at the top of the barn, and the fantastic dinner she prepared for my husband and I on our 10th wedding anniversary and opening her home to us to use for that weekend, her quiet demeanor and soft spoken voice. Her visits to the Buhler home will be missed. Tony, my condolences to you and I know you will miss her dearly. You've been in our thoughts these past couple of weeks. Take care and God bless."

Anne Foley wrote on Oct 27, 2013:

"Barbara was such an amazing force of nature. Always a great conversation and enjoyment for life lived to the fullest! She left the world a better place than when she entered it. My condolences to you, Tony. I know you both enjoyed your time together. May memories comfort you now and in the difficult days ahead."

Bonnie Freking : wrote on Oct 27, 2013:

"Iam here Barbara a she will. Be miss by family a friends "

Pete Byam wrote on Oct 27, 2013:

"I was shocked and saddened to learn of Barb's passing. So many memories of the Westgor Family. Barbara was so special to so many people. You have my sympathy."

Lynn Spessard wrote on Oct 26, 2013:

"Tony, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. - Lynn Stofferahn Spessard"

Janel Eichstadt wrote on Oct 26, 2013:

"Tony, I extend my condolences on Barbara's passing. May the time & memories you two shared always remain in your loving heart. She was a special gift given to a special person so both of you could enjoy the best life has to offer. God bless you."

Betty Byam-Sher wrote on Oct 25, 2013:

"Barbara was unique and very special - all of her acquaintances were blessed with her friendship. My sincere sympathy to all those who knew, enjoyed, and loved that friendship."

Lynn Arndt wrote on Oct 25, 2013:

"Tony-- So sorry for your loss. I know you have many special memories you will cherish."