In loving memory of

Paul Richard Townsin
March 3, 1966 - January 7, 2012

Paul Richard Townsin was born on March 3, 1966 in England. He passed away on January 7, 2012 in Bothell, Washington. He is predeceased by his wife Wendy Lenette Townsin. He is survived by his loving parents Gloria and Edward Townsin, brothers Jeff and Matthew, his daughters Danielle Rosolack and April Newton, grandsons Mykel and Tateum, and many other family members and friends. He will be dearly missed.


Danie wrote on Jul 19, 2012:

"Happy Anniversary to you and mama! I miss you, both so so much. I love you. Been thinking of both of you since I woke up. Hope you two are together celebrating. Love you."

Danie wrote on Jun 17, 2012:

"I know I don't have to write anything on the internet to let you know how I feel. You are with me always. I miss you and mom so much. I wish you were here, I would take you to Red Lobster like we use to do on special occasions. I miss our morning Starbucks runs, I miss everyday. I find comfort in knowing that someday you, mama, april, the boys, noah and paul and I will be together again. The way it always was. The way it's meant to be. Like you and mama always said ''we are a soul family'' nothing will ever change that. Happy Father's Day. I love you."

Gloria Townsin wrote on Mar 2, 2012:

"Thinking of you and wishing we had you here with us on your birthday ....... this is the hardest time for all of us. We wish you had been with us when you needed help and comfort the most. The best day of our life was the day you were born and the worst day was hearing you had died. Our days revolve around thinking of you and what happened. We love you now and forever. Your sad Mum and Dad, Jeff and Matt and Nina. xxxxxxxx"

Jon Millard wrote on Jan 24, 2012:

"We may not have kept in touch, but I am proud to call you my friend. You will always have a place in my heart. Sleep well my friend"

Gloria and Eddie Townsin (Mum and Dad) wrote on Jan 22, 2012:

"What can I write that says enough about how devastated we are at losing you, how we will miss you for the rest of our lives which can never be the same now. We loved you from the moment you were born, treasured each and every day you were with us and were happy when you were happy. We know life would have been hard for you without Wendy and our only consolation is that you are together again. I hope there is a place where we will meet again, not to believe that is unthinkable. We will remember you with love and you will never be out of our hearts and minds. We are broken hearted it could never be any different you were our first child and dearly loved by all the family. I have no more words to say how we feel. We have found in Danie, Milli and Paul some wonderful new family members and I'm sure April and the Boys are just as wonderful, so thank you for them. Our forever love goes with you and we will always be proud of you but more importantly will always be grateful that you were/are our son. Mum and Dad xxxxx"

Danielle Rosolack wrote on Jan 19, 2012:

"Thank you for being my dad, and for being the love of my moms life. You were there every step of the way, and never gave up on any of us. You worked hard, and loved, and took care of us all from the day you stepped into our lives. I'm just sorry you couldn't legally adopt us like I know you wanted. It doesn't matter though. You are my dad, and have always been. I love you, and I miss you very very much, I know you are with mama now where you belong. You two are soulmates, and never should have been apart. Thank you. I love you. I will see you again. Tell mama hi, and I love her. Your Dan Dan..."