In loving memory of

Anthony Thomas Phinney
April 5, 1956 - March 31, 2013

Anthony Thomas Phinney was born on April 5, 1956 to Shirley (McMaster) and Thomas Harold Phinney in Renton, Washington. He passed away on March 31, 2013 in Renton, Washington. He is survived by his loving mother Shirley Phinney, his sister Debra Hagen, brother Tim Phinney, and many other family members and friends. He will be dearly missed.

Full obituary coming soon.


Cliff Hill wrote on Aug 24, 2020:

"I am sorry to hear Tony passed. Tony and I were friends from about the time i was six or seven. He lived just up the street and we played together whenever we could get together. Some of my fondest memories were playing together on summer nights until it got too late and i had to go home. We would all be playing hide and go seek in the dusk and until it someone's parents would tell us it was time to come home. Tony was a good friend in those days. The sixties and seventies were not easy on us and the damage done from the partying seemed to linger longer with some of us than others. Tony was a really smart guy. It is a shame never was able to put it to good use. I remember playing name that tune with him and he would know way more songs and way more about the musicians than i would ever remember. Really smart is what I remember. I am sorry he passed so young. Cliff Hill Jacksonville, FL 253 332 1425"