In loving memory of

Judy Louise McGaughey
July 3, 1949 - February 23, 2015

Judy Louise McGaughey passed peacefully into God's hands on Monday morning, February 23, 2015. She was surrounded by her loving family members in her home in Burien, Washington.

Judy was born on July 3, 1949, in Wendell, Idaho. She was a hair stylist in Oregon for many years and then worked in Seattle in the medical-clerk industry, and also at Boeing as an electrician.

Judy was well-loved and admired by all. She had three daughters who were the light of her life- Renee, Dawn and Michelle. Her granddaughter Olivia provided Judy with love and cherished memories to last lifetimes. She is also survived by her beloved siblings Jim, Joan, Joe, Jean, Juanita, and John. Judy also had a multitude of nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, as well as many friends, who loved and admired her a great deal.

Services are to be held on Friday March 6 at 1:00pm, at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral in Baker City, Oregon.


Ruth Lindgren Lassiter wrote on Mar 9, 2015:

"Judy and I met as coworkers when she returned to Group Health after a hiatus during which she had moved to Oregon to help care for her ailing father. We became closer when she began emailing me photos of her adorable baby granddaughter, and over time I got to know her better through mutual friends who had been in her life for decades. Judy was a loving, joyful friend. One thing I always admired about her was her closeness with her family, both her birth family and her own daughters and granddaughter. I know they miss her dearly, and I hope they find comfort in the legacy she has left them of unconditional love."

Rosetta Kastama wrote on Feb 26, 2015:

"Judy and I worked together twice, once in the early 80's and again 20 years later. We were medical transcriptionists. Speed was important, so we decided to challenge each other for 2 hours a day. A quick phone call: "Go!" Two hours later: "How many lines did you get?" We supported each other in many ways at that job, and I'll always be grateful for her patient and friendly help. Judy met all challenges head on. When she left that organization, someone mentioned Boeing. Her response was, "I can do that!" and she did. If she didn't know how, she asked questions until she learned. She drove buses for 2 organizations, learned her way around the county, and treated her passengers and coworkers respectfully. Her life was full of challenges, which she met, and she left lessons that will enrich my life."