In loving memory of

Gretchen Grabow
June 26, 1941 - July 31, 2015

Gretchen Grabow was born on June 26, 1941 to Harry Grabow and Eva Zachary Grabow. She was the second of four children and the oldest daughter. Her father loved her dearly and shaped the acceptance and love that Gretchen passed along to her own daughter.

Gretchen is survived by her daughter Kay, son-in-law Tom, grandsons Sean & Alex, sisters Patty & Bonny, and numerous cousins.

Gretchen was an incredibly strong advocate for those she felt were being victimized. She diligently challenged the status quo and encouraged people to think beyond what people in power were saying. To her, problems were simply challenges to be overcome. Enabling people to have freedom to independently explore and come up with solutions was paramount to her thinking. She was a constant teacher. She absolutely loved being a School Psychologist where she put her skills of deep observation of human behavior to use. She was highly analytical and loved the challenge of a correct diagnosis. She delighted in interacting with animals and thoroughly respected them. She felt that we are connected to all living organisms; we have a responsibility to the Earth to live in a sustainable manner.

Her guidance to us: Truly live each moment, intensely respect all things, laugh often, and love deeply. We are blessed to have had you live amongst us.


Alice wrote on Nov 22, 2016:

"So sorry for the loss of Gretchen. She was our friend at rainier view rv park"

Evelyn Brooks wrote on Aug 23, 2015:

"So sorry for the loss of your beloved Gretchen. Let God replace your grief with hope - your anguish with peace. Please remember, not that Gretchen has died, but that she lived, and her life gave you memories too beautiful to forget. Find consolation in the Bible 's promise, "And He (God) will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and Death Will Be No More, neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain, be anymore..." (Revelation 21:4)"

Nelda Barre wrote on Aug 12, 2015:

"Gretchen deeply touched my life and my heart. I am blessed to have shared time with her. She taught me many things in the short period of time she was in my life. I am a better person today because of her. I will treasure her memory today and always."