In loving memory of

David Gary Albrecht
August 10, 1989 - August 10, 2011

David Gary Albrecht was born on August 10, 1989 in Seattle, the son of Victor and Tatyana Albrecht. He pased away August 10, 2011 at his home in Shoreline. He is survived by his parents Victor and Tatyana Albrecht, brother Felix, sisters Julia and Ella, and fiance' Rachael.


Evergreen Washelli wrote on May 26, 2016:

"Rachel J"

JasonSan wrote on Aug 20, 2013:

"Love you and miss you, bro"

Evergreen Washelli wrote on Aug 17, 2011:

"julia albrecht"

Evergreen Washelli wrote on Aug 16, 2011:

"With Heartfelt sympathy - Evergreen-Washelli"