In loving memory of

Alison Lansford
February 7, 1955 - July 26, 2018

Alison Lansford 63,of Sarasota, Fl passed away on July 26th, 2018.


Jean Wichman wrote on Sep 23, 2018:

"Alison was a gem. I missed her when she left the St. Louis area, and now I will miss her even more. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Gary."

Mike and Mary Lou Phipps wrote on Aug 1, 2018:

"So sorry to hear about Alison's passing. We we're lucky to have had great times and memories with our neighbor. "

Eileen Van Steenwyk wrote on Jul 31, 2018:

"I attended Flight Service Manager training at TWA. I was going through personal problems at that time and Alison kept me laughing through all the boring classes. I had the pleasure of flying with her a few times but life got in the way and I lost track of Gary and Alison. She is up with the angels cutting up, for sure! My deepest sympathy, Gary."