In loving memory of

Martha Anne Apostol
July 3, 1941 - April 15, 2019

Since my mum was an active member of the LGBT community during the 1970s. I just want to let everyone in the LGBT community that she was a part of the Harvey Milk generation, marching in his memory when he died.
She was a member of SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). She sent me to Madrona as one of the first students to be bussed to the Central district in 1978.
She was an active member of the Seattle Chapter of NOW during the mid-1970s. In fact, she was a part of the LGBT Recovery community for many years here in Seattle.
She was on the air with Robert Hardwick (KVI Radio), hosted a variety show for high school (KCTS 9) during the late '50s. She was the voice of Mama Reuben commercials on the radio. She was involved with the radio show (Straight Talk) and she was a nanny teaching and caring for a number of kids in the Seattle area.
She was an active member of Unity Church and St Joseph Catholic church. She taught me to have a love and respect of all faiths. Never was I allowed to say something negative about someone's faith.
Papa and Mum instilled in me to have a love for doing something that will benefit the world. Both of my parents were strong believers of the Kennedy administration and Bobby Kennedy. They wanted Stacy and me to have a love of community. Because what is given to us, in turn, we need to give back to the community as well.
She knew I was hiding in the closet way before I came out! She actively supported my dreams and it is with a sad heart that she will not be here when I am in school starting in January of 2020.
She will not be here when I find my soul mate or get married and when I have kids with my partner, but I can attest that she did a wonderful job raising me.
What you see in me today is her legacy. She wanted me to be there for others when no one else would be there for them. She taught me to have a love for classical, jazz, R & B, Gospel, and Soul. She never ever said my hearing loss or manic depression could be an excuse for doing nothing. She challenged me to aim high and go for my dreams.
She is with Papa and her daughter Stacy. Their passing in 1986 and 2006 was not easy for her and I am glad she is finally out of pain and home with both of them! Happy Anniversary Mummy and Pop! (April 17, 1962)! Neither one of them ever remarried and best friend until the very end.
I will miss her and I will keep everyone posted about the memorial and graveside service in the next few days.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Lambert House or St. Joseph Catholic Church. Both of these institutions are located in Seattle, Washington. Thank you!

Memorial Service will be held on May 20, 2019 at 11:00AM at St. Joseph Catholic Church on Capitol Hill. Address is: 732 18th Ave East Seattle, WA 98112


Pablo Ornelas wrote on Apr 30, 2019:

"May your mum find rest in the presence of the Lord. And, may you, my dear friend, be consoled by knowing you were a good son to her during her last few months. I send you all my love, Stuart. Condolences to your family."