In loving memory of

Wilmer Jay Miller
July 15, 1925 - July 30, 2011

Wilmer Jay Miller, Ph.D., of Ames, died Saturday, July 30, at Riverside Manor attended by his family. A Celebration of Life memorial service will be at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, August 6, 2011 at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames, 1015 N. Hyland Ave.

Wilmer was born on 15 July 1925, in Lawton, Oklahoma, the son of Walter James Miller and Dorothy Ethel Virgin Miller. He attended Cameron State Agricultural College and got a BS degree at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. In 1951, he was elected to Sigma Xi at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he received his Ph.D. in 1954. He then joined the School of Veterinary Medicine in the Department of Microbiology at the University of California- Davis.

On August 23, 1952, Wilmer married Lotus Simon in Portland, Oregon. He moved his family to Ames in 1962 to take a position in the Iowa State University Department of Genetics. He retired as a Professor in 1994.

Wilmer was a world expert on cattle blood typing and pedigree analysis. He made many contributions to Brazilian cattle blood typing, including starting the Animal Genetics Laboratory in the Veterinary College of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil as a Visiting Research Professor in 1992. He was also an international leader on Ringneck Dove genetics and breeding. Wilmer's honors include the Willard F. Hollander, Naether-Hanover, and Edwin Gentry Awards. He was inducted into The American Pigeon Fancier Hall of Fame in 2002, and the American Dove Association created the "Dr. Wilmer J. Miller Award" in his honor in 2009.

Wilmer was an accomplished horticulturist and avid naturalist. He arranged music and played with recorder quartets. He enjoyed reading mysteries and science fiction.

Survivors include his wife, Lotus of Ames, two sons, Douglas Miller of San Francisco, CA; and Alan (Amanda) Miller of Atherton, CA; and three grandchildren, Aliana, Brice and Caewithe.

Online condolences may be sent to


Cynthia Drayer wrote on Jun 19, 2019:

"I never had the pleasure of meeting Wilmer, but I met Lotus, Alan and Douglas. I was married to Lotus' father, Leo Simon, as his 2nd wife. I heard about the many experiments that Wilmer did on birds. As I was going through my storage unit this year (2019) I located many items that I would like to forward on to Alan Miller. If anyone can please contact me with his current phone number/address, I would like to mail him a bucket full of items which include glassware engraved by Leo's uncle, photos, and antiques. I remember the visits from Wilmer's family, and the correspondence from Alan when my daughter, Marie, was young. You can reach me at:, 503-481-7284, Portland, Oregon. With many thoughts, Cynthia (Simon) Drayer"

Claver wrote on Aug 17, 2011:

"I met Wilmer and Lotus in the spring of 1998. We became very good friends and made me feel one of their family members. Wilmer will be missed by many, but he will live forever through his teachings."

Debra Sauriol Schwartz wrote on Aug 5, 2011:

"Dear Lotus and family I had the privilege of meeting Wilmer several years ago, due to our shared interest in finches. Wilmer was always willing to share his knowledge and his passion and I learned so much from him. I have plants in my home from Africa and Brazil, thanks to Wilmer. I will miss my friend. "

Andrew Hollander wrote on Aug 4, 2011:

"As a close friend of my family, and particularly of my father and brother, Wilmer Miller was an important part of my formative years, and an always welcome guest at our family celebrations. He was a consummate teacher, caring family man, loyal friend and highly respected by his students and colleagues. I feel a deep sense of loss at his passing which I know I share with Lotus, Douglas and Alan. At the same time, I count myself very fortunate to have been given the honor and privilege of having known Wilmer and learning from him for so many years. "

Denise A. Andrade de Oliveira wrote on Aug 3, 2011:

"Dear Mrs.Lotus, Douglas and Alan Queridos amigos, Dr.Miller deixou muito mais que saudades... Deixou um grande exemplo de vida e de sabedoria. Abraços, Denise"

Marcelo Kuabara wrote on Aug 3, 2011:

"Dear Mrs.Lotus, Douglas and Alan Queridos amigos, � sempre triste ver um amigo partir. Mas conhecendo o Dr.Miller, garanto que deve estar se preparando para mais uma aventura! Abraços de seu amigo, Marcelo"

Jossie Skjordal wrote on Aug 3, 2011:

"Wilmer was a great man to get to know. He was so educated and passionate. He had great love for his family. I am have glad I got a chance to get to know Wilmer. My prayers are with the family."

Allen F. Lawrence wrote on Aug 3, 2011:

"Dear Lotus and Family, My heart is heavy to hear of the passing of Wilmer. We have been friends for over eighty years since I first met him in the Second Grade at Washington School. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and the family on Saturday morning."

Mark Widrlechner, Ames wrote on Aug 2, 2011:

"Dear Lotus & Family, My thoughts are with you all at this difficult time. I wish I could join you to celebrate Wilmer's remarkable life on Saturday, but will be out of town. He will be missed by many. With deepest sympathy, Mark"