daughter. Thus began more than 40 years in the trade as a plumber and pipefitter, working his final years out of Local 32. Doug was good at his job, and over the years was given significant responsibilities by his employers. His knees began to bother him, so he took early retirement at age 62, spending more time with his family and tending his beloved fuchsias and hummingbirds. Doug's greatest legacy is his family, whom he dearly loved. He remained devoted to his girlfriend of 31 years, Karen Anspach, along with his children and grandchildren. Doug leaves behind his two children, Doug Jr. and Jennifer (son-in-law Mike Fo'i) and grandchildren (Jadyn, Chase, & Mitchell). Until the end, he remained truly proud of all their accomplishments. Among others who grieve over his passing are his brother, Don (Chris), and family, along with a number of cousins. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him. A funeral service will be held at Evergreen Washelli Tribute Center at 2 pm on Wednesday, January 4th. A brief Graveside Service will follow. You are invited to a reception immediately following internment.