. She worked as a waitress for many years until she went to vocational school and got a job at Oscar Mayer where she worked for 38 years. Caroline was involved in many civic and church related organizations and was even a founding member of several volunteer groups. She has served on Bethel church's altar guild, the board of Bethel's XYZ (Extra Years of Zest), Bethel's Parish Shop, the Oscarettes, the Oscar Mayer READI group (Retired Employees are Dedicated Individuals), the Madison 410 Elks Ladies Auxiliary, Kayra, Red Cross Blood Mobiles, the Eagles and Moose Clubs, a Cub Scout den mother, and was a member of Senior Citizens. She was also preceded in death by her parents, step father John Bishop, her sister Eunice Smith, and her brother Christian Hanson and many friends and relatives.