e's. I became manager of the main pipeline. Then in the late 80's/early 90's we transferred to Houston, Texas and became part of the Enron fiasco. In 1994, I was laid off after they sucked all my knowledge out. We went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where I went to work for Iowa Electric Utilities in their gas department. In 1999, we were transferred to Madison, Wisconsin, to Wisconsin Power and Light in another crappy merger. My boss at the time was a real Iowa hater and made my life miserable. I sold what Enron stock I had and retired when I was 55. My latest hobby is irritating as many people as possible. I have gotten real good at it.
My survivors are my wife Donna Mae of Sun Prairie, my daughter Julie of Edgerton, and my daughter Shelley Wilson Bloom and her husband Kelvin Bloom of Honolulu, Hawaii. My sister Mary Caren Gregory and her husband Everett from Mitchellville, Iowa. My brother Jim Wilson and his wife Vicki from Broomfield, Colorado. I was preceded in death by my parents Edwin J. Wilson and Carol S. Wilson. By my wife's parents Ralph E. Belzer and Francis A. Belzer all from Newton, Iowa.
The memorial service will be held at Sun Prairie United Methodist Church, 702 North Street, Sun Prairie, on Saturday, July 29, 2017, at 11:00 am with the Rev. Jenny Arneson officiating. A visitation will be held from 10:00 am until the time of service at the church.
There will be no interment since I'm going to be cremated. If you want to see me, you have to come by the house where Donna will have me displayed somewhere. The visitation will be at the church just before services, not going to be much to see though, just an urn full of Dan. Please, no flowers. I hated them when I was alive. Get a plant, name it Dan and slowly kill it or send it to someone you hate. I prefer something given to your favorite charity in my name or use your money to throw a party in my name.
This will be my last letter so let's end it traditionally. Love you all, thanks for showing up, Dan, Donna, Nick (dog), Norm (cat), Al (cat), Sam (cat), one stupid fish and those stinking snails.
Cress Funeral Home
1310 Emerald Terrace
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin