her to talk and spoil their appetites with the always-offered cookies. She taught them what a truly strong woman looks like through every phase of her life. She lost her beloved husband, Art, in 1996, and also lost her parents, Thomas and Kitty Vincent, and her siblings Beatrice French and Edith Stilwell. She is survived by her children (and spouses) Kathleen Swan (Declan McCarroll), Cynthia Swan (Robert Gage), Thomas Swan (Katharine Swan) and Barbara Swan (Paul Stephenson) and by her grandchildren Jenna Swan, Alex Stephenson, Marisa Gage, Laura Swan, James Gage, Kyra Stephenson, Svetlana McCarroll Swan, and Rafael McCarroll Swan as well as her sister-in-law and nieces and nephews. Jackie's funeral will be held on March 26 at 11:00 am at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Rochester Minnesota; visitation one hour prior. Memorials requested to the Jacqueline Vincent Swan Music Scholarship, established at the University of Minnesota to help other music students achieve the dream she had to abandon, or to the Friends of the Rochester Public Library. Jackie's family wishes to extend its heartfelt gratitude to the staff at The Gardens, Episcopal Homes, for their loving and compassionate care. Ranfranz and Vine Funeral Home 5421 Royal Place NW Rochester, MN 55901 www.ranfranzandvinefh.com