beautiful paintings, drawings, wood carvings and sculptures. He has truly left a beautiful legacy of artwork to his very large and ever-growing family. William most definitely enjoyed a smooth whiskey, a good joke, hunting, fishing, a good round of poker and a smooth as silk turn on the dance floor with his beautiful wife of almost 67 years to Merle Haggard's "Silver Wings". Not necessarily in that order. Some of his happiest times were sitting around the poker table at the hunting lease with his sons, son-in-law, brothers and nephews, sharing a good drink and a rousing game of cards and a lot of laughs. He was a patriotic soul who without a doubt believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. William was an avid reader and a master of crossword puzzles and jumbles. In his later years he would anxiously await his daily newspaper to once again, conquer the puzzles of the day. William was always a good husband, father, and provider. He left his children with many everyday lessons as well as life lessons. We, his family, take comfort in knowing he is now reunited with his maternal twin, Joe, to once again walk, trap and hunt the woods which he so loved. He always said he found his religion and felt closest to Heaven when he was high on a hill in the great outdoors. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that you send memorials in his name to CureSearch for Childrens Cancer at