t at Colovista Country Club and in college at Abercrombie and VF in San Marcos. In 2012 she joined the Governor's Office as a Grant Compliance Specialist. As a child she had loved taking things apart and putting them together. This later evolved to a hobby centered in crafts and creating new ways to reuse discarded items. Sadly, Mia was diagnosed with LDBC Lymphoma in April of 2011 and twice experienced recurrences of cancer shortly after each course of treatment. The cancer treatments were harsh to her body and the side effects of the various drugs left her with heart and kidney failure and aHUS. Regardless of the obstacles, Mia remained ever hopeful and participated fully in life. One of her favorite quotes was No Matter How Rough the Sea, I Refuse to Sink. We will celebrate her life in June of 2021 and we ask that you consider making a memorial contribution to MD Anderson at this website: https://www.mdanderson.org/donors-volunteers/donate/honor-loved-ones.html