and go to church with my parents and I. Every Sunday Evening my dad would then put his bike in the trunk of his car and drive him back to college. His Scottish thighs came in handy on those bike rides. Oh, how he loved me. I received my engagement ring the day I graduated from high school and we were married a year later in 1962. Our family tree tells the rest of the story. 3 Sons who gave us 3 daughters who in turn gave us 12 grandchildren that turned into 16 great-grandchildren. Gus was involved with the family business starting in his teen years. When we were first married, he was still in college having transferred to Cal State Fullerton began selling cemetery plots for the new cemetery Memory Garden while I worked at AAA. When I became pregnant with Scott, he began to work full time for his father. A year later Greg came along. Oh, how he loved his boys. Ministry was in Gus's blood and soul. With two little boys in tow we became youth directors at our church and also formed a music ensemble with some of the youth which we on tour up the coast of California. Anita Grainger and Barbara Shirreffs who are part of Bridge were in that group. That's such a blessing. Music was always a big part of our lives. Gus loved to direct the choir. Any choir even ones he heard on the radio. During the late 60's the Jesus movement swept through California and he was one of three men that started Thy Brothers House, a coffee house where young people who didn't fit into the traditional churches. They came to talk, and hear concerts and the word of God. It was the era of "Love Song" The coffee house was across from our family mortuary which again was no accident, God did that for us because Gus was also working full time. There are too many stories to share but for Gus as treasurer saw God provide week after week financially as we provided housing and food and a place to come and find the love of Jesus Christ. We saw weekly miracles just like Jesus divided the loaves and the fishes and setting people free He did that for us. Needless to say, Gus and I were stretched beyond our abilities and comfort zone but oh how we grew in our walk with Him In 1972 our family became complete when Mike was born. Because Gus was able to see the birth of Mike and see life given this healed his heart from seeing so much death, he was changed by that experience. God knows how to heal Praise the Lord There really isn't enough time to talk about all the ministry with CBMC, Lenton Luncheons, Mayors prayer breakfasts, bible studies he taught, 5th and 6th Sunday school for 20 years, Tel-A-Round, directing children's choir for our Christmas Plays, choir work Precept teacher, and opening our home to those in need. But the greatest ministry he had was to grieving families. It was a miracle when he was able to open New Options Funeral Service in 1997. It was a sad day he had to retire the end of 2019 when Alzheimer's started to cause memory issues. Gus was a humble man. He really did not see how much God used him and how much he was loved. He loved me unconditionally and seriously spoiled me rotten. Just as my close friends. He loved his family beyond words. They all went to Mimi's house to play with Grandpa. We really did just about everything together. It's hard to imagine what life will be like without him but this one thing I know, he is having the time of his life and it is for eternity with Jesus. As Millie says heaven is not a punishment it is a gift beyond description and it truly is our home. One of the last things Gus said to me was "I love you Peggy I am sorry but I want to go home". And the Lord gave him his request. The great news is that I will see him again and so will you if you have received Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior. That was Gus's goal in life, to please the Lord and to introduce others to Jesus. We all have been blessed by this fun loving wonderful man of God, my sweet husband. Gus * The family has requested if you would like to purchase flowers that you purchase Christmas poinsettias to decorate the church. Feel free to order poinsettias from our preferred florist, Island Petals. 949-673-8257. Thank you.