nsible for making improvements to the F-22 Raptor jet fighter during its development among his many high profile projects. He and his wife, Norma, owned and operated the first standalone, small engine repair business known as The Cumming Fix-It Shop in Cumming, Ga for many years, becoming a staple in a community they loved. He enjoyed fixing, tinkering, and building. His projects ranged from building his own workshop to rebuilding engines to building beautiful furniture and keepsakes for his loved ones, including a bassinet still in the family to this day and a beloved arbor one of his grandchildren was married under. His other great love was riding motorcycles, which he owned many over the years. Recently, he most loved riding his trike with Norma alongside his motorcycle group known as The Neutered Hogs, often traveling to one of their favorite spots, Maggie Valley. While incredibly gifted mechanically, he will be most remembered for how he loved and defended his family. A true patriarch, Evans took great pride in his family and loved them unconditionally, and his greatest joy was to spend time with them. When a friend or family member needed anything, he was there with a helping hand or the shirt off his back. Whether he was sitting at the head of the dinner table, around a campfire, or gathered with friends at Krystals in the early morning, Evans was there as a voice of wisdom and support. Selfless and always honest, he would do anything for those he loved. Quick with his wit and humor, his anecdotes and truthful assessment of the world around him will be missed the most.