arry; their spouses Lynette and Rebecca; as well as many extended family and friends. Poem: Fighting American I have worn many colors, since my forefathers, landed on these shores. My blood was shed in the revaluation then, time again to protect my native land. I drew my sword, against my brother, while dressed, in blue and gray, Then turned my arms, to my native brother, whom I still, do not understand. I have crossed oceans, deep and wide, stood my ground, and did not hide. On land, on sea, in air, I have fought, for freedom, someone has sought. Many flags, I have fought for many flags I have died for. Not a question did I ask, of Uncle Sam, when he sent me to, Vietnam. Nor did I hesitate, to lend my neighbor a hand, when a hostile force, crossed, to the heart, his land. Without question, I will give aid, friend or foe, if in need, I will go. Whenever I have been called, I have been there, to go fight, somewhere. Land sea or air I will go anywhere, I will not run, I will not hide, I will fight by anyone's side. For the flag that I carry, stands for freedom, and for Freedom I will fight. For I am an American, that I do hope you, understand.