79% of adults in the US are on Facebook. The best way to reach people is to be present where they spend their time. And today, the place where the most people are spending time is on Facebook. In fact, 1.37 billion people log onto Facebook every single day!

Facebook alone cannot generate new business; however, it is a major component of a digital marketing strategy that will generate interest, leads, brand recognition, loyalty and new customers!

So how does Funeral Innovations make this strategy a reality for you? We create an ongoing stream of quality Facebook posts including thousands of articles, quizzes, tips, inspirational images, event promotions and videos that appear on your Facebook page. We create Facebook posts and Facebook ads to drive traffic to your website and custom landing pages – where we collect contact information then later nurture those contacts via email.

Funeral Innovations will:

  • Develop Facebook Posts and Ads to reach your ideal audience
  • Create beautiful, eye-catching visuals
  • Compose the perfect text caption for each post and ad
  • Boost important, industry-specific posts and events to get results

And, we do it all for you. Sit back, relax and let us handle the hard stuff.

How does it work?

Each post is customized to include your brand name and logo. The posts appear on your Facebook page and are shown to your followers and their friends. But wait… you don’t have a Facebook following? We can build that for you too.

As part of every package we create posts and advertisements that we pay to promote on Facebook. This allows your posts to cut to the front of the line – and to be shown to new people in your community.

But how are we sure these ads are going to the right people? Facebook allows us to hyper-target based on demographics, like location, age, gender, and education.

We make it possible for Facebook to build awareness, provide education, and generate engagement for your death care company. 

Facebook Marketing Features At-a-Glance

Quality Content 

  • We provide all the content you’ll ever need
  • We write catchy and helpful headlines
  • Craft calls-to-action to drive people to your website and events
  • Create custom visual graphics
  • Publish 15-60 posts per month depending on subscription level

We Drive Engagement with Your Community!

  • Your content library includes:
    • Thousands of articles, quizzes, tips, e-books, inspirational images and videos that appear on your Facebook page

Branding & Customization

  • Each post is customized with your company name and logo
  • Want more custom posts? We can create a package for you

Paid Advertising on Facebook 

  • Includes boosted posts that increase reach
  • Paid ads that find new audiences within your target market
  • Promote your local events

Ongoing With No Effort Required From You! 

  • We manage all of this for you, so you can focus on what you do best: helping families!