Growth Engine clients have access to their Performance Analytics & Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system through our dashboard. You will track your results, campaigns, leads and grow your audience!
CRM & Performance Analytics At-a-Glance
What is a CRM?
- A Customer Relationship Management system is web-based platform where you can view, track and follow-up with leads and contacts.
- A CRM will track all the ways you interact with each contact, including through multiple campaigns or marketing channels like email and Facebook.
- Your CRM is built into the Growth Engine platform. Options are dependent on your subscription level.
What are Performance Analytics?
- Performance Analytics detail how your Growth Engine Marketing efforts are doing. Details include your Facebook reach, Gift/Floral/Healing Registry sales, emails you have sent, and obituary views.
- Performance Analytics are part of your Growth Engine platform. Options are dependent on your subscription level.
Why do we need a CRM and Analytics?
- Measuring your return on investment (ROI) is a critical part of an effective marketing strategy.
- Managing your customers’ interests, and following up when they ask, allows you to provide better service to your community and increase your sales conversions.
- By reviewing, and optimizing your strategy based on results, we are able to increase your community reach and effectiveness.
What other features will I find in my Dashboard?
- Dependent on your subscription level, you will find tools to view, and edit your Facebook, email and newsletter strategy including frequency and your preferred content.
- You can schedule and manage your campaigns and event promotions.
- You will be able to manage and view all of your contacts (not just your leads).
- You can manage your settings to collect reviews and promote the ones you prefer on your website and on Facebook.
- And, it’s all right there in one place! You can use the platform as much or as little as you prefer! We can handle it all. It’s just that easy.