Viewing Private Condolences

Not all web visitors reading an obituary want to leave a public condolence/tribute. However, they would still like to show support for the family. We’ve created the ability for private tributes/condolences to be sent to the family. When a web visitor adds a tribute, they simply check a box to post privately.

The private tribute is only accessible to the family through the Family Portal. It is not shown anywhere on the obituary page. All family members (and the firm) will be notified by email that a private tribute is available.

Follow the steps below to access private tributes:

  1. Go to 
  2. Login with your username and password
  3. On the left side of the dashboard, click Cases
  4. Click Action on the case associated with the Family Portal you are inviting family members to.
  5. Click View/Edit to open the case.
  6. Scroll down the page and click Family Portal.
  7. Click Log into Family Portal, to access the Family Portal.
  8. Due to timing, there might be an error shown. If you see the following error, repeat the previous step.
  9. Once the Family Portal is shown, confirm you are managing the correct Family Portal then click Tributes.
  10. Click Tributes tab (A) to view all the tributes. The private tribute will be highlighted (B) in yellow with a label showing it as Private.


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