Rapid Response on Facebook
As a funeral home or cemetery on Facebook, we want you to be the go-to place on Facebook for all things related to preplanning, funeral education, grief and even acknowledgement.
Last week, Mary Tyler Moore passed away. Many people on Facebook who admired her work and post-acting activism were discussing her death, sharing stories and sharing condolences.
As a funeral home or cemetery, it’s critical for your firm to be a part of these discussions, and become an invaluable resource for tributes and memorials.
Here’s my question: did you ensure your firm helped celebrate the life of Mary Tyler Moore? Or the recent deaths of other notable figures, such as astronaut Gene Cernan, actress Carrie Fisher, sports broadcaster Craig Sager, and more?
If not, you are missing out on a critical opportunity to position your firm as the experts, and the top of mind awareness that goes with it.
We are pleased to announce a new service we are providing to all of our Social Media Copilot REACH customers, called Rapid Response, to help your firm stay on top of newsworthy, death related topics, including notable deaths.
When a well-known person passes away, we’ll automatically post a beautifully crafted, memorial graphic to your Facebook Page to bring awareness to the passing and to participate in the tributes and condolences that people are eager to share. We also email you with a link upon posting the memorial, to ensure you’re aware of the post and can contribute to the discussion.
Best of all, we automatically publish these tributes within hours of the news, ensuring you are on the forefront of the discussion!
You must be on our Social Media Copilot Reach package to get these posts. If you are interested in upgrading from the Educate package, contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your options.
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