Expand Your Online Gift Giving Options to Include In-House items
(A Healing Registry Exclusive)
One of our partners, Sietsema Vogel Funeral Home, was approached by a local company to provide custom Memory Bears as a keepsake offering to the families they serve. What makes the teddy bears unique is that they are crafted from an article of clothing from their loved one. In the first year of offering the keepsake, it has become a family favorite.
Many keepsakes that have the biggest impact are local, or provided by smaller companies requiring you to keep inventory. Unfortunately, if your website providers only offers drop-shipped products, these items never make it to your website for visitors to buy for the family, or themselves.
Our latest addition to the Healing Registry now makes this a possibility.
The ability to add in-house items unlocks the opportunity for items you sell to be offered along with turn-key flower orders and drop-shipped items. When combined with the uniqueness of our Healing Registry, the families you serve are offered the most personalized gift giving experience.
It’s really simple to get started. You just add the in-house products you’d like to include and they are available within the Healing Registry on your website. You have full control over price, availability and are notified when an in-house item is purchased. Payment is collected through the same interface as flowers and other gifts, and the amount collected from in-house products is sent directly to your bank account.
You’re currently offering flowers, so why does offering in-house items matter?
It’s simple. You need to adapt to a changing consumer. Most people coming to the your website want to show their support to the family. Offering in-house items allows you to display products you know are meaningful, and allows you to connect with your community by offering local products and services.
In addition, by offering in-house items you have an option for families who prefer to not accept flowers. You are able to still offer meaningful products on your website that are proven to help the family in the healing process.
If you’re looking to increase profits, it’s a slam dunk.
This is another reason to explore our Healing Registry and in-house items. Most firms make 15% on flower orders online. With our new in-house items, you are often making 50-100% markup on every item sold. You set the prices and have full control. Not only are you allowing the family to have more input over the items during the memorialization process, but you are generating higher profits. It’s a win-win.
If you are interested in improving your online gift offering experience for your families, give us a call. We’d love to discuss how our Healing Registry with in-house gifts can help you better serve your families and increase profits.
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