Are You One of the Top Funeral Professionals on Twitter?
On January 14th, I’ll be speaking at the ICCFA Wide World of Sales Conference in Las Vegas. My presentation will be about how funeral professionals can use social media to increase their distribution and traffic, and how they can conert that traffic to increased revenue and sales.
In my presentation, I’ll be teaching attendees how to use Twitter effectively. And a big part of an effective Twitter strategy is following the right people. To supplement my presentation, I’ll be providing a hand out of the “Top Funeral Professionals on Twitter” that every funeral director should be following!
That’s where I need your help! I know a fair number of amazing Twitter-ers in the funeral profession, but I’m sure that I’m missing some great ones as well. Let me know if you should be on that list! I’ll be promoting the list to conference attendees, as well as on our website, on our blog, and on my Twitter account. Not only that, but I’ll link to your website to help your SEO.
If you are in the funeral profession, active on Twitter, and have good stuff to share, then let me know! Drop your twitter name in the comments to the blog, send me a direct message on Twitter (@funeralinnovate), or shoot me an email at and I’ll start following you and consider you for the list.
Stay tuned… I’ll compile and publish the list to this blog when it’s done.
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