Introducing Social Media Copilot Insights
Our Social Media Copilot has been helping funeral homes take their Facebook presence to the next level, by helping manage their Facebook posting and content. It’s been so effective that its posts have reached well over 100,000 people on Facebook in the past month!
Now funeral homes that use the Social Media Copilot will know exactly how many people the Copilot is helping them reach! We’re excited to launch our new Copilot Insights, weekly emails that detail your Facebook Page’s performance and reach!
Copilot Insights emails show a wealth of information about your Facebook Page, laid out in a way that is simple to understand. Each week, the emails show you:
- How many different people saw your content
- How many new fans your Facebook Page gained during the week
- How many people saw and interacted with each of your posts that week
With the Social Media Copilot Insights, we’re excited to continue helping our partners grow their fan base, increase their reach within their community, and understand how it all works!