Meet the new Social Media Copilot for Funeral Homes and Cemeteries

by zack | October 15th, 2014 | Posted under Announcement, Social Media

You probably already know the Social Media Copilot is the best way for funeral homes and cemeteries to grow their Facebook presence. Now we’re excited to announce the Social Media Copilot just got a whole lot better!

Introducing the new Social Media Copilot

The next time you log in to the Copilot, you’ll immediately notice something new. The Copilot is now bigger and better in so many ways! Check out just a few of them:

Brand New Look

The Copilot received a massive facelift, improving the design and navigation, while making it easier to manage your content.

Mobile friendly

The new Copilot works great on mobile, allowing you to manage your schedule of posts from anywhere your phone is… meaning everywhere!


For Premium subscribers, we’re rolling out “Campaigns”, featuring time-sensitive series of posts that are scheduled for specific dates, like Holidays, Special Days, and the currently running Breast Cancer Awareness campaign. In addition, you can now click “Schedule All” to schedule every post in the campaign with a single click!

Predicted Reach

As the newest feature within the Post Genius package (exclusive for Premium subscribers), Predicted Reach shows you how many people you can expect will see each post… before you even publish it!! The predictions are accurate to within 10%, and getting smarter all the time. Amazing, huh?

Much More

We can’t fit all the improvements in this email (you’re probably busy with work, after all), but go ahead and login to and see for yourself all the ways the Copilot just got better than ever!

If you’re not yet using the Copilot, what are you waiting for!? Contact Us to Get Started