FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 12, 2018
VITALBOARDS®/VITAL ICE SELECTS FUNERAL INNOVATIONS AS PREFERRED MARKETING PROVIDER: Preferred vendor will provide affordable, digital marketing packages for Vital ICE funeral home clientele
Vital ICE has selected Funeral Innovations, for the second year, to be their preferred marketing provider – offering affordable, end-to-end digital marketing services for their funeral home partners.
Sponsoring the Vital ICE app is an exclusive opportunity for local funeral homes to help save lives around their community by partnering with their local fire and EMS. Vital ICE continues to expand the value they deliver for their funeral-home sponsors through their unique partnership with Funeral Innovations.
“Vital ICE is always looking for ways to better serve their partner-sponsors and offering exclusive access to Funeral Innovation’s content and platform is one way we are able to.” said Gerard Brockmeyer Jr., of Vitalboards and Vital ICE. “Vital ICE believes in marketing that saves lives, so offering marketing services to our sponsors just makes sense.”
Funeral Innovations offers specially priced marketing packages for Vital ICE clients that include; Facebook posts, Facebook ads, email and newsletter marketing, campaign and event marketing and lead management. Funeral Innovations creates the content for the funeral homes, brands it with their logo and distributes it on their behalf.
“Funeral Innovations is proud to provide our marketing services to the Vital ICE funeral home community. We strongly believe in the purpose of the Vital ICE app and are honored to serve their locations” said Greg Young co-founder of Funeral Innovations. “ Vital ICE sponsors are providing a great service to the community – and that is something we are completely behind.”
Vital ICE funeral home sponsors will continue to receive information about this exclusive partnership through their Vitalboards representative.
Since 2007, Funeral Innovations is proud to work with the best, most progressive firms in the death-care industry; providing affordable, end-to-end digital marketing services. Funeral Innovations creates high-quality content for death-care firms and uses their proprietary, cloud-based software to custom brand and distribute the content via Facebook posts, Facebook ads as well as through email and newsletter marketing and after-care content that continues to serve your community. Additionally, Funeral Innovations specializes in creating death-care related websites that offer services such as online arranging, e-signature technology, online obituaries, tributes and a healing registry.
Funeral Innovations was founded by two award-winning IBM software engineers to help funeral homes and cemeteries create an online community around their brand through the use of their technology platform. Learn more www.funeralinnovations.com
Vital ICE is the premier In Case of Emergency app that helps save lives. Free for download, this public safety app locally stores user medical information, emergency contacts and more, and can be easily accessed by EMS and first responders in situations where the user is unable to speak or is otherwise incapacitated. First responders are given access to our back office site, where they can send emergency communications and other alerts to local app users. The app can be custom branded by any company/organization! Learn more at www.vitalboards.com/