There are 600 million people on Facebook. We send them to your website.
Funeral Innovations believes social networks are transforming communication faster than any other technology ever has. That’s why we’ve created the best, and easiest, Facebook integration in the industry.
Facebook made easy
Funeral Innovations’ Facebook integration makes it simple and automatic to tap into the power of social networks. If you already have a Facebook Page for your funeral home, we connect it to FI by pressing a single button. The rest is automatic.
Don’t have a Facebook Page yet? We’ll set one up for you!
Publishing obituaries
When you publish an obituary, we give you an option to “post to social media.”
- When selected, the obituary is published to your Facebook Page, including the deceased individual’s name, obituary, and a link back to your site.
- The obituary is then promoted to the News Feed of all your Facebook Page’s fans, meaning they’ll see it the next time they log in. If they re-share or “like” it, it’s distributed to their entire network.
- We include a link to your Facebook Page in every obituary notification email.
Sharing obituaries
Every obituary on your website contains multiple ways for a visitor to share it.
- By simply clicking “Recommend”, the obituary is shared to that person’s Facebook profile
- By clicking “Share”, the visitor can share the full obituary to their entire social network
Sharing tributes
Every tribute left on your funeral home’s obituaries contains hooks for “viral” distribution.
- Each tribute is automatically shared as a comment to your Facebook Page
- Upon sharing a tribute, the visitor is given the option of publishing the tribute to their Facebook wall, thus sharing it with their entire social network.
- Every tribute notification email includes a link to follow your funeral home’s Facebook Page.
- Nothing is shared or published on behalf of the user without their consent
- Facebook users and their friends will not be spammed or annoyed by excessive publications
- The Funeral Home is the admin of their Facebook Page and has full control over the posts and comments put there
Measure the results
FI Analytics will show you in realtime exactly how many people have viewed each obituary and where they came from. This helps you see the effect your social media campaign is making!
What we believe
Social networks provide powerful distribution channels, but without proper design, can become spammy or annoying. Funeral Innovations designs all of its Facebook integration keeping respect and integrity at the forefront.
Contact us by clicking here to learn more.