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Growth Engine Starter Overview

“How can Facebook drive new business?” Whether you are looking to grow your preneed business, defend your turf from discounters or grow your market share, Facebook should be one piece of your overall strategy. However, results are not achieved by only publishing obituaries or even having staff search for posts to periodically share on your Facebook page. To truly succeed on Facebook, you need to engage your community to take action and start a meaningful relationships with you. Then continue to nurture that relationship until they are ready for your outreach.

That might sound like a lot of work, but that’s where Growth Engine steps in. Our FREE Growth Engine starter will help introduce you to the power of Facebook and get you going on the first steps of this process. In only a few minutes, you can begin sharing industry relevant content from brands you trust to engage your community and begin your relationship building. All while you are doing what you do best – helping families.

Enjoy this introduction video on what Growth Engine starter can do for you – for FREE.