Help Desk


Business owners are extremely busy and simply do not have the time to manage the day-to-day operations of their company social media channels. As such, this task often falls onto another manager, a marketing agency, or someone else within their team.

Unfortunately, what ends up happening is that the person who initially set up the Business Manager for the Funeral Home leaves their role without transferring the ownership to someone else within the company.

This oversight lends itself to the company losing access to crucial marketing tools within Facebook.

Though you are still able to perform [the function of a page admin] if you are set as an admin on your Facebook business page, you are blocked from performing key functions such as accepting any future business-related requests.

Are you an admin but not sure if you have a separate page owner for your Facebook business page? Here’s how to check:

  1. Login to your profile account.
  2. Find your Business Page.
  3. In the top right corner, click ‘Settings.’
  4. Select ‘Page Roles’ from the menu on the left.

If your ‘Page Owner’ section is blank, that means your page doesn’t have a Business Manager. No additional action is required, and Growth Engine setup can be completed.

If you see something in the ‘Page Owner’ section, then your page is connected to an existing Business Manager and that ‘owner’ is the only person who can receive, and action on business-related requests.

How to recover ownership of your funeral home business page

Find the Owner of the Business Page 

First and foremost, it is highly recommended that you try and figure out who may be the business page owner by asking current and past employees or anybody else who may have initially set up your business page and business manager. This can include friends and family.

If you are able to get in touch with the page owner of your business page, then that person can very quickly transfer the ownership over to you.

If your business page is owned by a third-party account, and you are unable to get in contact with them, they do not know their login, or they are otherwise uncooperative, then you have two options.

Rebuild your Funeral Home Business Page (Recommended)

At Funeral Innovations we are further offering a third option – For a small fee (not pre-paid onboarding), we will set up a new business page for you, and transfer ownership directly to you. If sometime down the road you can get ahold of the owner of the original business page, you are able to merge the two pages together.

Report to the Facebook Help Center (Not Recommended)

Another option is to [report to the Facebook Help Center]. However, bear in mind that this process can take up to weeks to be completed and there is no guarantee of ownership recovery and is not recommended.